Talmudic tradition, 1st. appearance Psalms 139:16
~10th Century BCHomer's epic poem, Odyssey
~8th Century BCGiant bronze automaton made by Hephaestus to protect Crete
~400 BCCited in Plato's Menon
~390 BCArchytas of Tarentum
~380 BCPhilo of Byzantium
~250 BCOvid's narrative poem, Metamorphoses, Book X
~0Hero of Alexandria
~10-70 ADGift from Caliph Haroun Al-Rachid to Charlemagne
809Lancelot do Lac, Arthurian legends
~13th CenturyVarious automata, Al-Jazari
1315Bellstrikers, e.g. Notre Dame de Dijon
1383Humanoid automata, Leonardo da Vinci
~1495Gargantua, François Rabelais
1534Tommaso Francini
1598Don Quichotte, Miguel de Cervantès
1605Mechanical Daugther (probably a tale), René Descartes
1640Automata, Jacques de Vaucanson
1738Fake humanoid automaton made by Wolfgang von Kempelen
1770Humanoid automata, Pierre Jaquet-Droz, Henri-Louis Jaquet-Droz and Jean-Frédéric Leschot
1774The Sandman, Ernst T. A. Hoffmann
1816Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus, Mary Shelley
1817The Venus of Ille, Prosper Mérimée
1837Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin
1854The Adventures of Pinocchio, Carlo Lorenzini (C. Collodi)
1881The Future Eve, Auguste Villiers de l'Isle-Adam
18861st use of the term, R.U.R. Rossum's Universal Robots, Karel Čapek
19211st robot in a movie, Metropolis, Fritz Lang and Thea von Harbou
19271st humanoid robot, Westinghouse Electric Corporation
1937Machina Speculatrix, William Grey Walter
1948I, Robot, Isaac Asimov
1950The Day the Earth Stood Still, Robert Wise
1951Manga, Osamu Tezuka
1952Forbidden Planet, Fred McLeod Wilcox
1956Mobile robot, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
19601st industrial robot, George Devol and Joe Engelberg, Universal Automation
1962Mobile robot, Charles Rosey, SRI Stanford
1966Mobile robot, LAAS Genoble
1977Hans Moravec, Stanford University, this project began in 1960s
1979Westworld, Michael Crichton
1973Manga, Go Nagai
1975Star Wars, George Lucas
1977Battlestar Galactica, Glen A. Larson
1978Alien, Ridley Scott
1979Blade Runner, Ridley Scott, from a novel by Philip K. Dick
1982Manga and toys, Hasbro/Takara
1984Terminator, James Cameron
1984Short Circuit, John Badham
1986Robocop, Paul Verhoeven
1987Insectoid robot, Rodney Brooks, MIT
1989Terminator - The Jugment Day, James Cameron
1991Dog robot, Toshi Doi, Sony
1997Emotional head, Cinthia Breazal, MIT
1998Small modular mini robot, F. Mondada, et. Al. EPFL, K-Team
1999Clip for Björk's song « All Is Full of Love », Chris Cunningham
1999Humanoid walking robot, Honda Motors
20001st robot created by a Genetic Algorithm, H. Lipson and J. Pollack
2000A.I. Artificial Intelligence, Steven Spielberg
2001Vacuum cleaner robot, iRobot
2002I, Robot, Alex Proyas
2004Battlestar Galactica, Ronald D. Moore
2004Hiroshi Ishiguro, Osaka University
2005Humanoid robot, Aldebaran Robotics
2006Transformers, Michael Bay
2007Wall-E, Andrew Stanton
2008European open-source child robot,
2006Quadruped robot, Boston Dynamics
2008Cinthia Breazal, MIT
2009Humanoid robot, AIST and Kawada
2010Real Humans, Lars Lundström
2012Mars Science Lab. robot, NASA
2012Humanoid robot, Boston Dynamics
2013Radhika Nagpal, Harvard
2014Emotional robot, Aldebaran Robotics and Softbank
2014Ex Machina, Alex Garland
2015Chappie, Neill Blomkamp
2015Star Wars VII, Jeffrey J. Abrams
2015Westworld, Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy